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FOSCAM FI8910W Camera Firmware Download

FOSCAM FI8910W Camera Firmware Download. I was contacted by  Look At Home of Binago (CO), that after reading my "famous" review on the cameras  asked me to review the model suitable for indoor use. I agreed, and although absolutely happy with this double Foscam in my possession, I was rather skeptical about the potential of this model. I say it now and without too much circled around: I changed my mind ... is absolutely FANTASTIC !!! But we proceed in order, starting from ' unboxing .

Firmware Download FOSCAM FI8910W Camera
In the box you will find everything you need: in addition to the camera, there is the 5V power supply, the bracket for attaching to the wall / ceiling, a network cable "roll-up" ( great! ), The CD-ROM, the booklet of instructions ( in English) and also two bolts to secure the bracket. After carefully removing the camera from the package you connect the power adapter and the network cable to the Ethernet port of your PC (the first phase of installation is advisable to do it via wired network).

Download Firmware FOSCAM FI8910W Camera
The camera does not look cheap typical " cinesate low-cost" . The rubber-like matte black finish provides a tactile sensation of robustness with excellent grip. the perceived quality is pretty good, especially considering the low cost del'apparato.


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